Archive for Abandoned Michigan Farmhouse

Amazing Abandoned Farmhouse In Michigan

Posted in Abandoned House with tags on September 9, 2011 by countybandits

I know this house is out of our usual realm, but it was so striking I had to share the photo here. On our road trip to pick up our gingerbread trim (which is now installed – yay!) we passed this abandoned farm just off the highway. It was close to an exit, so on our way back we got off the highway and ducked down a back road to find it. I would have loved to get out, walk up to it and take a ton of photos, but the thought of getting chased off by someone with a gun was enough to quell my urge. I wonder if any readers from MI have ever seen this house? I think it’s quite a find. Click the photo to see the full size version, taken with my smartphone.
