Archive for Fisher Mansion

Fisher Mansion Photos

Posted in Abandoned House, Chatham-Kent, Demolished with tags , , , , on March 6, 2007 by countybandits

Here are some photos of the Fisher Mansion, once located just outside of Chatham along Highway 2 (now Longwoods road) across from Can Am Tractor. Sadly, it was recently demolished. I never got to go inside, although I did look through the windows. There wasn’t much to see. A year or two ago, I did go through the old cow barns with my friends. They are gone now as well. It was for sale for a long time, but no one ever bought it — I imagine it was just too much of a money pit. In the spring / summer, the lawn is covered in a carpet of small blue flowers. It was a beautiful and majestic home in it’s time.


Fisher Mansion Chatham-Kent, OntarioFisher Mansion Chatham-Kent, OntarioFisher Mansion Chatham-Kent, Ontario